Extrem unseriöser Händler! Ich bin völlig enttäuscht! Er hat mich vier Tage lang belogen und schließlich gesagt, er hätte das Auto verkauft! Auf E-Mails und Anrufe reagierte er nicht – Informationen zum Auto muss mir immer jemand anderes geben!
Bought a car that i was told had no issues apart from old tires and the oil change needed to be done however after leaving the dealer with the car after 10km the check engine light came on and now it turns out that there was an oil leak coming somewhere from the engine and that the timing chain and system has to be changed meaning that when i came to look at the car the dealer must have used a komputer to remove the check engine light temporarily,In conclusion i do not recommend this seller as he is dishonest after contacting them to as about the check engine i was told that it didnt happen at the dealer and theres nothing they can do that i need to go to a mechanic